You Had To Be There - Jimmy Buffett In Concert


Album: You Had To Be There - Jimmy Buffett In Concert Artist: Jimmy Buffett
Label: MCA Records Catalog:
Year: 1978 Genre: Rock
Medium: Vinyl Grade:
Value: Sell:


Title Artist Length
Son Of A Son Of A Sailor 137927Jimmy Buffett
Pencil Thin Mustache 137927Jimmy Buffett
Wonder Why We Ever Go Home 137927Jimmy Buffett
Landfall 137927Jimmy Buffett
Miss You So Badly 137927Jimmy Buffett
Havana Daydreamin' 137927Jimmy Buffett
Margaritaville 137927Jimmy Buffett
Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes 137927Jimmy Buffett
Come Monday 137927Jimmy Buffett
Perrier Blues 137927Jimmy Buffett
Grapefruit-Juicy Fruit 137927Jimmy Buffett
God's Own Drunk 137927Jimmy Buffett
He Went To Paris 137927Jimmy Buffett
Captain And The Kid, The 137927Jimmy Buffett
Why Don't We Get Drunk And Screw 137927Jimmy Buffett
A Pirate Looks At Forty 137927Jimmy Buffett
Tampico Trauma 137927Jimmy Buffett
Morris' Nightmare 137927Jimmy Buffett
Dixie Diner 137927Jimmy Buffett


Purchase Date: Purchase Price:
Purchased From: Gift:
Keywords: Country Rock; Classic Rock Loaned:
Rating: ID: 46
Date Created: 2013-02-16 Date Modified: 2014-02-17
Greatest Albums:


Was looking for a new (vintage) turntable on CL when I bought this album. The guy was close by, in the same town as me, and was moving back south. Although the tt he offered up for sale was top-notch, I didn't want to spend what he wanted. I asked him if he had any albums....I think I bought 12 albums from him.

By this time I had purchased about 90 albums to increase my childhood collection to 330-something. It was so sweet; all this new music. I could buy all the albums I passed on being too frugal in my youth. Anyway I was about all-in at this point so it's when I started to use Tellico to catalog the collection. Most of the albums entered into Tellico in February are from my youth, with the addition of those I had recently begun to purchase. Before too long Shelley got into it, too. Yeah, man, WAF high!