– 7 may 2019
It has finally gotten a little warmer around here and it looks like the rain has subsided a bit, at least for this week.
It’s garden time! Now, I don’t garden much anymore because lazy, but I used to, and no doubt, I will again. But I do love it…creating the garden, messing in the dirt, planting stuff. I am especially fond of engineering my mess of bountiful (hopefully) goodness and that means planning ahead. Planning for how the veggies will grow, and where, planning on assisting their growth with stakes and twine.
I use Hemp twine in my garden. Well, I did. My neighbors use Hemp twine as well, out here in farm country. They use it for the same reasons I (used to) do: it’s incredibly strong and resistant to mildew and weather. I think that about sums up what I want in a twine when it’s going to be out-of-doors and holding my tomatoes up.
My neighbor, call him Frank, has a few spools of twine he bought back when Elvis was making your grandmother woozy. He’ll never run out and he’ll never use anything else. In Farm country you don’t screw around with fads and what the TV says, you use what works. Because it works. My other neighbor, that fucker, uses Hemp twine, too. See, even dickheads stick with a good thing. We’ve talked about it because neighborhood men like to talk about why they like what they like. Both of these fellas gave me the happy eye when they saw I had a spool in the garage. Frank asked, that one time, “what’s that?”
I said, you know it’s Hemp for my garden. He said, you’re all right….and he proceeded to tell me he can’t sharpen his chain (on his chainsaw) for shit. Which is a story for a different day.
IN any case, it’s garden time, like I said, and that means get yourself a ball or spool of some Hemp twine. IN fact, if you bought a house, get a few balls for when you need them. And you will need them.
I bought a few balls from Hemp Supply (Hemp Basics, actually, but it’s the same guy) a bunch of years ago and I can’t see buying Hemp twine anywhere else. The guy shipped it fast, it was hella cheap, and it was ‘the good stuff’ – there is a difference. Shout out to Hemp Supply one time for the Hemp Twine they carry. I know I’m linking to a spool, but, I’d probably buy this one now instead of a ball or 2. Seems like 2050 feet would last more than a few seasons.
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