Of course, I haven’t thought of this in decades, only those few times engaged in discussion of things related. But I am now, and what a glorious day!
Back in the day visiting Grandma’s house was a chance to separate myself from the riff-raff that was my family. I could go explore the city that I missed so, or I could plant myself in front of HBO displayed by her fabulous and gigantic console color TV. Wicked.
I’d be lying if I wrote with any authority of the weather on this day, but I was inside, so it must have been less than stellar. Mom would hang in the kitchen with Grandma complaining about the world and siblings would busy themselves in corners discovering cobwebs. And dust.
I’m lying. I don’t remember what they did. IN any case, Grandma’s living room was an out for me. Nobody else was interested in what I wanted to watch, and I’d get there first. I often escaped my childhood through film and HBO was right there for me. Between Creature Double Feature, Grandma’s, Shemp’s house, and Escapade, what a glorious time to be alive.
Anyway, back to the point.
This is no movie review, there’s enough of that already, land sakes. Naw, this is 3 seconds in the morning to write this down because I just watched a “wickedest b-movies” thing and when their pick for best b-movie ever came around, our subject this morning, of course, I squealed like a little boy (I raised kids, little boys squeal and little girls remodel your den. Fact.) and hoped I’d see my favorite scene ever from the best movie ever made.
And I did – and there it was. They were at the campfire. Heh.
…”could somebody please pass the ketchup?”
I’m dying.

“Could somebody please pass the ketchup?” Baaaaaaaa hahahahahahaa
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hhaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahah ahaaaaaahahahhaaahahahahhahahah haa hahahahahahahah aha ha ha haha haha ha
HE’S A TOMATO! Tomatoes die to make ketchup!
Bbabab abaa ababa babaa aaaaa hahahah ahaha ahahahahahahha
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