Pretty Lights – The Hidden Shades

Record Store Day 2013

This is some kinna funky ass beat that won’t leave you alone. I know you never hear of ’em. Don’t matter. The release I’m talking about – their alternate takes friggen funk-a-sauras masterpiece, is the Hidden Shades. It was released on record store day 2013 and the boy said, Pop, scoop that shit up!

He didn’t really say those exact words, but that’s what he meant. It was all on faith because I’ve never heard of these fellas. But the boy insisted, it was good stuff.

The album sat, unopened, for months. And for some more months after that.

Pretty Lights the Hidden Shades

Finally, one day, whatever, it was just a day, I cracked that fucker open. The boy was pretty psyched to finally hear it. I was all – Dude, check it out, as I let the needle drop…

It was, is, fantastic. The grooves will drive you right up a wall. You’ll feel compelled to listen, to take note, to groove in time. It’s not a thing you’ll really have a say about. Infections grooves kapow-da-wanna-bamp-bowwwww….

I got side 1 track 2 pounding me into my chair as I type. The chillen, outside playing badminton in the pool-yard, are grooving. The boy gave me a thumbs up. The girl wants Queen, but, sorry chica, this ain’t no time for operatic prog-rock.

This is the groove.

Pretty Lights – The Hidden Shades

Here’s some groove from the rehcid, imagine how good it would sound on your home gear….because it does!

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