We chose our words carefully, he said – The thing with a lot of people is that they need a lot of constant reassurances in order to keep on truckin’. People might suggest bread & circus, and then 89% would shuffle away, p’shaw’ing unevenly, and those left already have the problem solved. Sigh.
The bread & circus keeps it coming and the it is the baffled-dom existing (that’s always existed) throughout society. Mightily impressive a thing needs to be, and that’s like a drug, so the baffled-dom is easy to stay in. In any case, while the words are said – laid out right in front of us, they are overlooked because they are not: talking head enough, sharp, or angry, or exciting enough. Not corrosive or damning enough. We don’t hear all the other stuff that’s supposed to make us thinking and learning, evolving, people capable of getting through the baffled-dom. So, sidetracked and cream-puff don’t sway the crowd to any of the good. The crowd is you. You know, and me, too.

Mueller said all the things he needed to: according to such and such ‘guidelines’ or, ‘rules – laws, governances, etc., etc., etc’ – he had (rules). Something something can’t indict a sitting president. They are constantly being argued and I’m sure CNN has a story even today pointing there, but, as everyone likes to have – he had parameters to operate within. The investigation proceeded thus, and then, when it was over, used carefully chosen words to tell us what was what, maybe what to do – how to act accordingly based upon the investigation’s report.
Before ending his statement today he tells us – no, I’m not going to have any more to say if subpoenaed, no I won’t answer questions, and no – I don’t have any more to say on the matter and if I gotta keep talking about it it’s just going to be what is already in the report. And that’s cool, because what is in the report is enough. And to remind us, yet again because see 1st 2 paragraphs, that the report is enough, he says:
“…that there were multiple, systematic, efforts to interfere in our election, and that allegation deserves the attention of every American.”
I mean, multiple is pretty sexy, that’s a lot of mouth work going on right there. Still, none of those words alone might be compelling or sexy enough to break a body free of the baffled-dom, that constant ‘need-for-speed’, just for a minute, but, together they are, and he said that shit right to our faces – again, today, 29 May 2019.
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