So, it’s the end of the day, buddy and I talk, there’s a commotion on rt-290 Worcester, ma – staties are everywhere, there’s a crowd. That dreadful shit that happened in Tn. Which happens to be where pops was a cop. In any case we present problems and solutions as we banter – we disagree, you wouldn’t know it unless we told you. 😉
And now we’re providing solution(s) and he offers it up – ‘my dad was a cop. He had a solution’.
He said – cops should have their tenure limited. To that effect. He said – 6 years, then rotate them out. He supported it with a couple of ‘why’s’ and it was interesting. You know. I’m listening. ‘Course we can come up with a few other ‘careers’ that are limited, you know, senate terms.
I’m not here to solve that, though. Sheesh. But, maybe a limited run is the right idea?
Who knows. At least it’s not – well, you’ve already heard enough stupid ideas. I don’t want any part of that. Heh.
Don’t do anything stupid. It’s not cool. It was never cool, fuk’n dope. Do something right.
Do some more of that.
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